Fire safety and the importance of home smoke alarms are common topics in schools. But how often do you talk to your kids about them AT HOME? These aren’t exactly exciting topics for children or teens to chat about at the dinner table (compared to say the latest Netflix episodes or fashion trend). However, it’s important to start the conversation to emotionally and mentally prepare them for such emergencies.
Take time to talk to your children about home fire safety and prevention! Here are some points you can go through with them.
Your family’s fire escape plan
Gather as a family and make a fire escape plan. Walk around the home with your children, and check all possible exits. Indicate the location of home smoke alarms in every room of your house. Make sure that door locks are not impeding your exit points. More importantly, familiarise everyone in the household about the plan.
Fire emergency drills
Adults are creatures of habit, and children are no different. Conducting drills will familiarise your kids with the fire escape plan and train them to act quickly in case of a fire. The training can only guarantee that they will know what to do when an emergency hits your home.
Meeting Area
Make sure your kids know where to go once they have evacuated the house during a fire emergency. Choose a meeting place outside your home. If safe, the meeting point should be in front of your house, so the fire emergency response can see your family as soon as they arrive.
Emergency phone numbers and home address
Have your children memorise emergency phone numbers and your home address. That way, they or any member of the household can make a phone call once safely outside the home.
Importance and purpose of home smoke alarms
They see these on the daily, but are they fully aware of the importance and purpose of home smoke alarms? Emphasise the importance of heeding to early fire warnings.
As parents, you have a critical responsibility in ensuring your family’s safety at all times. You are your children’s primary source of strength during stressful situations, such as fire emergencies. Do everything you can to protect them.
Do you need more fire safety and home smoke alarm information to discuss with your family? We’re here to help you! Just complete the form below, and we’ll get back to you shortly.
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