Residential Smoke Alarms: What Everyone Ought to Know

Queensland now has the most comprehensive residential smoke alarm legislation in Australia. It outlines what kind of residential smoke alarms must be used, where to place the device, and timeline of compliance depending on the type and use of the property. But apart from it being a compliance obligation, why would you work towards aligning [...]

By |August 7th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

How to Safely Evacuate a Home After You Hear Your Smoke Alarms

Having smoke alarms will not guarantee 100 percent fire safety. There is still more preparation that you need to keep all the residents in your home safe. During an emergency, everyone in the home needs to know how to react once the fire is detected. Here is what you have to do to safely evacuate [...]

By |July 28th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation: Dos and Don’ts

The new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation stamps the state’s resolve to ensure the safety and protection of all residents and properties. It imposes strict requirements that property owners must comply with and introduces significant changes for gradual implementation within ten years. There are a lot of sites on the internet about the new legislation. This [...]

By |July 20th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|1 Comment

The Perfect Way to Welcome New Tenants

The arduous search for new tenants is over! You’ve finally found the one – the perfect tenant for the property you’re managing. For you, this is a time to celebrate the much-awaited clinch to the long hours of tenant screening. For your tenants, on the other hand, it might be a different story. An impending [...]

By |July 18th, 2017|Tenants|0 Comments

Two Things to Remember When Installing New Smoke Alarms

If you are installing new smoke alarms this year, you must consider some key factors to ensure your compliance with the new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation. The amended laws have particular provisions about the type, placement, and interconnection of alarms to use. It can be very confusing for homeowners and property managers to know if [...]

Smoke Alarm Companies: Tips to Find the Best Provider for Your Property

Smoke alarm companies or service providers are your ultimate partners in ensuring home fire safety. Because of the recent changes in the Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation, a lot of property managers and homeowners in the state are actively looking for the services of smoke alarm companies now more than ever. But with the number of small [...]

By |July 2nd, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|2 Comments

Smoke Detector Placement Under the New Legislation

One of the most groundbreaking changes in the new QLD Smoke Alarm legislation is the provision on smoke detector placement. Under the new rules, almost every room in the home must be installed with smoke alarms. These tougher laws are expected to further promote home fire safety throughout Queensland.   Smoke detector placement according to [...]

By |June 28th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

Linked Smoke Alarms: Protect Your Pets from Winter Fires

Linked smoke alarms significantly contribute to home fire safety this winter. They not only protect you, your property, and other material assets, they also keep your furry friends safe from fires. If you consider your pets important members of the family, you’ll do everything to provide them with a safe shelter that can protect them [...]

By |June 22nd, 2017|Fire Safety at Home, Tenants|0 Comments

Fire Alarm System: Put a Freeze on Winter Fire Emergencies

Do you have a robust fire alarm system that can protect your home from fires this winter? Just because summer’s over doesn’t mean you can put the brakes on home fire safety. According to statistics, 43 percent of fire incidents take place during winter. That’s almost half of the total fatalities each year! Use a [...]

By |June 20th, 2017|Fire Prevention, Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Ionisation Smoke Alarm: Why It Doesn’t Comply with the New Legislation?

The installation of ionisation smoke alarm used to be allowed in Queensland. But with the new smoke alarm laws in place, the technology requirements have changed. From January 1, 2017, moving forward, all new smoke alarms that will go into every property must only be photoelectric alarms that comply with Australian Standards 3786:2014. The legislation [...]