Home Safety and Ways to Promote It

Establishing home safety for your family is, of course, your top priority. Most injuries are predictable and preventable, and you can do so much to make sure that your home environment is as safe as possible. Thankfully, most of these concerns can be addressed quickly by installing devices such as smoke alarms and taking proactive [...]

By |November 22nd, 2017|Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Pets on a Plane: A Successful Evacuation Story

Bushfires are uncontrolled blaze which can burn acres of land and impact populated areas. They spread quickly and consume everything in their path in mere minutes. Recently, a ferocious bushfire raged through Alberta, Cananda, forcing nearly 90,000 people to evacuate. Both people and animals have been affected by the blaze, and many struggled to keep [...]

By |August 13th, 2017|Natural Disaster Preparation|0 Comments

5 Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe during a Cyclone

Cyclone Debbie is said to be one of the most devastating cyclones to ever hit Queensland. During this calamity, your foremost priority is the safety of your family. Do you also consider planning for the protection of your cute four-legged family member? The howling of intense winds and marching of heavy rains can scare even [...]

By |March 29th, 2017|Natural Disaster Preparation|0 Comments