Your Most Burning Questions about the new QLD Smoke Detector Rules

January 1, 2017, marked the day when Queensland owned the record as the only state in Australia with the most comprehensive smoke detector requirements. For homeowners, landlords, property managers, and residents, this means exerting effort in understanding and complying with the new rules. With the influx of information on the internet about these requirements, it [...]

By |April 27th, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

Smoke Alarm Legislation Queensland – Why you should comply sooner rather than later

The new Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation requires sold or leased houses to have smoke alarms in place at the time a tenancy agreement or contract of sale is made. But that’s not all there is to the new legislation. The new smoke alarm legislation sets firm rules on the type and number of alarms a [...]

By |March 23rd, 2017|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments

15 Seconds

As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail, and when it comes to being safe, the stakes are high. In some cases, you have as little as 15 seconds to escape a fire so having a plan, wherever you are in the home, is critical to a fast exit. Queensland Fire and [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Fire Safety at Home|0 Comments

Change in Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation

The Queensland Government have committed to changes bringing the state the most comprehensive smoke alarm legislation in the country. Tragically, in the past 12 years, over 150 people have died in Queensland house fires. Many will remember the horrifying loss of life in 2011 when 11 people died in one house fire. As of January 1, [...]

By |November 16th, 2016|Smoke Alarm Legislation|0 Comments