Road Safety During Flooding: Stay Above the Water

Did you know that even just six inches of rapidly flowing waters can take down an adult, 12 inches to topple a small car, and 24 inches to seize a large vehicle? Floods are a powerful force of nature. They are the leading weather-related devastation, killing more than 100 people every year. A majority of those deaths [...]

By |April 5th, 2017|Natural Disaster Preparation|0 Comments

Don’t risk it! Follow These Flood Safety Tips

Queenslander's are still on edge as flood waters from ex-tropical cyclone Debbie continues to rise. Hundreds of residential homes are already affected, but we are yet to see the full impact of this calamity. If it’s flooded, avoid it Once the flood rises to dangerous levels, the safest action is to evacuate to safer ground. [...]

By |April 3rd, 2017|Natural Disaster Preparation|0 Comments